doBar + doRis is a project born in 2010 with nearly 40 years of history!
doBar opened officially in 1988 as a family-run business driven by the loving care that its hosts, Rita and Antonio Barigelli, have always shared. The family values of doBar are communicated in its name which is derived from the names of Antonio and Rita’s two children: Domenico and Barbara.
To Antonio and Rita it was always clear the comfortable atmosphere they would create at doBar and this has always been well received by those who have had the opportunity to experience it first-hand: a meeting place, a safe harbor to indulge in some peaceful moments away from the workday, a place for breakfast before facing the day, to take a break, to recharge at lunch and to meet after work or on weekends.
That and the quality of the food were all that was needed.
On offer is a huge selection of options that manifests itself through the kitchen, the artisan bakery, the refined deli counter, the top-notch wine cellar and the constant attention to the freshness of the raw materials. These are among the many reasons the largely Italian clientele has chosen and continues to choose doBar on a daily basis.
In a city as complex and chaotic as Rome, sometimes there is no easy way to deepen relationships and one remains close physically while maintaining the conventional distances with no real engagement.
At doBar the opposite is true: here people come together in an unforced way, albeit in the distinctly roman style favored by those who frequent the spot daily. Here people have fun together in the name of the bar, engage in friendly chats and enjoy the quality food served by a staff attentive to client needs.
This restaurant, which has since 2010 functioned as a bar (coffee shop, deli, diner) offers the services and the quality of any true restaurant.
© 2025 Via delle carrozze 61 - CAP 00187 - Roma - Tel. +39 06 69797096